Let's Search "Gintama" in Japanese!

If you search in Japanese, you can get more information than searching in English. Searching for Comics, Figures and other Goods for "Gintama", Move to Items on this page.

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Let's search "Gintama" in Japanese.

in English in Japanese

Searching for Comics, Figures and other Goods for "Gintama", Move to Items on this page.

Search by Character

Let's search Characters of "Gintama" in Japanese.

Main Characters
in English in Japanese
Gintoki Sakata坂田 銀時
Shinpachi Shimura志村 新八
Katsura Kotarou桂 小太郎
Odd Jobs Gin万事屋銀ちゃん

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Other Words
in English in Japanese
Shinsengumi 新選組

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