Let's Search "Fist of the North Star" in Japanese!

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Let's search "Fist of the North Star" in Japanese.

in English in Japanese
Fist of the North Star北斗の拳

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Main Characters
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Other Words
in English in Japanese
Hokuto Shinken北斗神拳
North Star Hundred Crack Fist北斗百裂拳
North Star Remorse Fist北斗残悔拳
North Star's Iron Palm Wave北斗剛掌波
Seven Star Point Spirit七星点心
Heaven Breaking Impalement天破活殺
Unparalleled Transmigration of Souls無想転生
North Star Humane Fist北斗有情拳
Holy Perfect Circle聖極輪
South Star Lone Eagle Fist南斗孤鷲拳
South Star Waterfowl Fist南斗水鳥拳
South Star Crimson Crane Fist南斗紅鶴拳
South Star White Heron Fist南斗白鷺拳
South Star Phoenix Fist南斗鳳凰拳
Nanto Seiken南斗聖拳
Nanto Roku Seiken南斗六聖拳
Taizanji Kenpo泰山寺拳法
Taizanji Kenpo Bojutsu泰山寺拳法棒術
Yuso Ryodan Ken熊爪両断拳
Taizanji Hakuja Gokusui泰山寺白蛇獄水
Genyu Ken幻幽拳
Yoki Genyu Ken妖鬼幻幽拳
Taizan-ryu Sojo Ben泰山流双条鞭
Yudo Danha熊胴断波
Taizan-ryu Senjo Ben泰山流千条鞭
Moko Hakyoku Do蒙古覇極道
Taizan Tenro Ken泰山天狼拳
Tenro Toga Ken天狼凍牙拳
Taizan Hadatsu Go泰山破奪剛
Taizan Yoken泰山妖拳
Taizan-ryu Zanjin Batto Jutsu泰山流斬人抜刀術
Taizan-ryu Shisoku Ken泰山流四束拳
Taizan Kokuei Ken泰山黒影拳
Taizan-ryu Kenbu Jutsu泰山流剣舞術
Gosha Enjoken五車炎情拳
Gekiheki Haisuisho撃壁背水掌
Gosha Sangazan五車山峨斬
Gosha Hasuiken五車波砕拳
Sho no Rin衝の輪
Gento Hakuka Dan元斗白華弾
Ha no Rin破の輪
Sohai Gyakuso双背逆葬
Shikka Kojin疾火煌陣
Hakura Metsusei白羅滅精
Anryu Tenha暗琉天破
Manju Maon Ken万手魔音拳
Anryu Hiha暗琉霏破
Kokei Kosoku呼頸虚塞
Hokuto Gyakushi So北斗逆死葬
Seimyo Danretsu凄妙弾列

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